Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Serendipity in Imagination .. concept Mural in Metal

Phoenix Tail 

The Gulmohar Tree...

Metal mural concept by Deviba Wala inspired by a dream 

The Summer heat dosent have too many things to look forward to but one thing that gives me joy is the Flame trees that flower during this season .. from the Kesuda to the Gulmoharjust adding a big splash of colour to the landscape ..
The gulmohar is known for it's Flamboyant display of flowers. As a child I collected its flower petals and made numerous handmade cards and stuck them on to sheets of paper and made bookmarks or just let them dry in the pages of books and  would smile when unsuspectingly they fell out of book at random times.
This Last week was no different .. the tree still fascinates me.
I woke up this morning having dreamt of a flaming phoenix with gulmohar petals as its tail and at the cost of sounding insane to the non artistic lot I confess the bird flew and transformed into a metal mural.
on the facade of the studio. 

 guess this is proof I am a dreamer and a sculptor !!!

There is Serendipity in Imagination 

The Gulmohar in Vietnam is called the Phoenix's Tale 

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